The world economy finds itself at a critical juncture, facing series of setbacks that have pushed down growth. Reigniting growth requires a robust international cooperation with particular focus on African labour. Due to its youthful population African labour has powerful impact across the global. Therefore in reimagine Africa’s role in revitalizing the global economy and politics, this class will explore the contributions of African labour to the emergence and growth of industrial revolution in Europe as well as the contributions of Africans to the economy of the American continent during its discovery. Also the discussion will focus on the contemporary economic world order, particularly the shocks of COVID 19 and the movement of African labour to stabilize the world economy.
The ageing population in Europe, Asia and America will be analysed as a push factor that foster African youth labour force participation in world economy and roles of international organisations to attract skill from Africa. The course will examine the “JAPA SYNDROME” and its powerful impact in Britain, USA, Canada and other parts of the world. In examining the impact of African labour across the world, two theoretical perspectives will be discussed mainly the classical Assimilation theory to explain the integration of African labour into the mainstream society of Europe, Asia and America and the Segmented Assimilation theory to assess the performance of African labour in the global economy. Finally, the challenges Africans faced will also be discussed.